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Posted at November 29, 2012 — Features

Will SugarCRM work on Clever Cloud?

SugarCRM logo

We're testing quite a lot of apps on Clever Cloud these days. It was Joomla's moment of glory on monday, and now it's SugarCRM's turn to be tested on our platform.

What is SugarCRM about?

It's an Open-source, easy to use customer relationship management (CRM) system, including marketing campaigns, communicate with prospects, share sales and many other features to keep customers happy.

Does it work on Clever Cloud?

The answer is yes, like a charm:

To get an overview of our SugarCRM demo instance on Clever Cloud, you can use these credentials:

  • Login: Chris
  • Pass:  G99Hyz1

Making SugarCRM up and running has taken us less than ten minutes with a simple Clever Cloud account and a Community Edition of SugarCRM!

For the record, we have uploaded a video tutorial for new Clever Cloud’s users: [Video] Start with PHP


Clement Nivolle

Co-founder and "Chief Revenue Officer" at Clever Cloud. Clément was a developer, but he acquired new powers after being elected in a rather "sales" oriented role (losing short in 2010).

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